Tim Miedl & Ace-High Band


➑️ Tim Miedl & the Ace-High Band are ready and set to present you the finest shows imaginable from this year onwards!! 🫡

-> From now on, a bone-thrilling live atmosphere will be taking over crowds, and which will be forming into the vocals of Lead Singer, Guitarist & Dancer,- my advocate,- OUR MAN: Tim Miedl! 🎀

Lead Guitarist: Leonhard Eibinger 🎸
Drummer & Violin: Darian Von Elling πŸ₯πŸŽ»
Bassist: Maxi Joshi 🎸

The last weeks were full of hard work and a lot of effort, but damn I can tell you the boys are at their top notch!!

-> From songs like Waitin’ On A Sunny Day, Hallelujah, TM’s MJ Performances, and for the first time their very own songs, it is my deep honor and great privilege to make this Announcement to all of you today!

See you on stage (behind the camera πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œ) soon!!

God bless you!
Regards, manager ww

πŸ”—: ace.high.band@gmail.com
πŸ”—: timschknopf@gmail.com
πŸ”—: IG -> ace_high_band

@timiedl, next time you do the cover pictures with the manager with the Canon again πŸ˜‰